4 Quarter Drive

We aim to partner with local businesses and community members to drive facility upgrades. Local businesses and community members are rewarded with many great sponsorship opportunities including but not limited to Naming Rights, Advertisement Opportunities, Donor Wall Recognition, PA Announcements, Season Passes, etc. 

The entire project is approximately $2.5 million dollars. The "1st quarter" of the 4 Quarter Drive focuses on replacing the turf. It is 13 years old and at the end of life. An average turf field lasts between 8-12 years. The turf provides athletic opportunities for our football, soccer, lacrosse, youth teams, band, and community. It is a revenue generator for our school, so it needs to be our focus. 

See below for more information and pictures. Reach out to Brian Carey (brian.carey@cmfalcons.org) with questions.

Click on the image to the left to make a donation via credit card.

Falcon Values:

Relationships, Whole-Child Focus, Student Growth, Excellence, Lifelong Learner